The Invisible Man's Revenge
3.0 (38)

Description :

A fugitive, dangerous madman reaches an English village where he confronts his former partner who left him for dead in the jungle after their discovery of a diamond mine. When the former partner also claims to have since lost the mine and all its wealth, which he took all for himself, and though the partmer is still living in a state of luxury , the madman takes up an offer from a crazed scientist to make him invisible, something the scientist has already done with experimental animals, so that he can take revenge.

bu71 avatar
Capitaine de l'Équipage de Téléchargement

Titre en Français, SVP : La vengeance de l'homme invisible (ThemovieDB)

bu71 avatar
Capitaine de l'Équipage de Téléchargement

Synopsis : Un scientifique excentrique aide un fugitif à devenir invisible, lui donnant involontairement le pouvoir de se venger de ses anciens amis.

xilas33 avatar
Capitaine de l'Équipage de Téléchargement


xilas33 avatar
Capitaine de l'Équipage de Téléchargement

Serait-il possible SVP, d'avoir le fichier en 1FICHIER?